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Benutzer: Kraddy

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Charaktere 2
Charaktername | Level | Rang | Typ | Ereignisse: AQ 40 Naxx + AQ 40 AQ 40 |
Ereignisse: Naxxramas Naxx + ZG Naxxramas |
AQ 40 Raids (30 Tage) | Naxxramas Raids (30 Tage) | AQ 40 Raids (Lebenszeit) | Naxxramas Raids (Lebenszeit) |
60 60 |
Main Twink |
Main Twink |
137.00 0.00 137.00 |
61.00 0.00 61.00 |
0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) |
0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) |
32% (7/22) 0% (0/27) 26% (7/27) |
71% (10/14) 0% (0/49) 20% (10/49) |
Raidbeteiligungs-Historie 132
Datum | Name | Notiz | Wert |
31.05.20 | Zul´Gurub | Zul Gurub | 10.00 |
15.04.20 | Zul´Gurub | ZG Startdkp | 10.00 |
26.07.20 | Zul´Gurub | ZG Kraddy | 10.00 |
13.05.20 | Zul´Gurub | ZG | 10.00 |
26.04.20 | Zul´Gurub | ZG | 10.00 |
05.07.20 | Zul´Gurub | ZG | 10.00 |
10.05.20 | Zul´Gurub | ZG | 10.00 |
30.08.20 | AQ 40 | Viscidus | 10.00 |
06.09.20 | AQ 20 | Trash Mob, Kurinnaxx, General Rajaxx, Buru the Gorger, Moam, Ossirian the Unscarred, Ayamiss the Hunter | 10.00 |
31.03.21 | Naxxramas | Trash Mob, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Loatheb, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Maexxna | 10.00 |
21.04.21 | Naxxramas | Trash Mob, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Loatheb, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina | 10.00 |
07.04.21 | Naxxramas | Trash Mob, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine | 10.00 |
18.10.20 | AQ 40 | The Prophet Skeram, Battleguard Sartura, Fankriss the Unyielding, Princess Huhuran, Ouro, C'Thun, Viscidus | 10.00 |
17.11.19 | Molten Core | Sulfuron Harbinger, Shazzrah, Ragnaros, Majordomo Executus, Golemagg the Incinerator | 8.00 |
02.08.20 | BWL | Silithus | 10.00 |
19.01.20 | Molten Core | Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros, Onyxia | 8.00 |
22.12.19 | Molten Core | Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros, Onyxia | 8.00 |
08.12.19 | Molten Core | Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros, Onyxia | 8.00 |
26.01.20 | Molten Core | Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros | 8.00 |
12.01.20 | Molten Core | Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros | 8.00 |
18.04.21 | Naxxramas | Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad | 10.00 |
02.05.21 | Naxxramas | Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad | 10.00 |
16.05.21 | Naxxramas | Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad | 10.00 |
19.02.20 | Blackwing Lair | Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Nefarian | 10.00 |
28.04.20 | Blackwing Lair | Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Nefarian, Onyxia | 10.00 |
21.10.20 | Blackwing Lair | Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Nefarian | 5.00 |
24.06.20 | Blackwing Lair | Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Nefarian | 10.00 |
26.02.20 | Blackwing Lair | Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Nefarian | 10.00 |
12.04.20 | Blackwing Lair | Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Nefarian | 8.00 |
27.05.20 | Blackwing Lair | Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Nefarian | 10.00 |
04.10.20 | Pechschwingenhort | Razorgore der Ungezähmte, Vaelastrasz der Verdorbene, Brutwächter Dreschbringer, Feuerschwinge, Schattenschwinge, Flammenmaul, Chromaggus, Nefarian | 5.00 |
06.09.20 | Molten Core | Ragnaros | 5.00 |
27.10.19 | Molten Core | Onyxia, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros | 0.00 |
03.11.19 | Molten Core | Onyxia, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros | 8.00 |
16.10.19 | Molten Core | Onyxia, Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator | 36.00 |
31.05.20 | Onyxia | Onyxia | 0.00 |
12.01.20 | Onyxia | Onyxia | 0.00 |
01.01.20 | Onyxia | Onyxia | 4.00 |
05.04.20 | Onyxia | Onyxia | 0.00 |
23.02.20 | Onyxia | Onyxia | 0.00 |
13.05.20 | Onyxia | Onyxia | 0.00 |
01.03.20 | Classic | Onyxia | 0.00 |
24.06.20 | Classic | Onyxia | 0.00 |
18.02.20 | Onyxia | Onyxia | 0.00 |
09.02.20 | Onyxia | Onyxia | 0.00 |
05.07.20 | Onyxia | Onyxia | 0.00 |
22.03.20 | Onyxia | Onyxia | 0.00 |
05.01.20 | Onyxia | Onyxia | 0.00 |
29.03.20 | Onyxia | Onyxia | 0.00 |
27.11.19 | Onyxia | Onyxia | 0.00 |
15.12.19 | Onyxia | Onyxia | 0.00 |
29.12.19 | Onyxia | Onyxia | 0.00 |
05.01.20 | Onyxia | Onyxia | 0.00 |
14.06.20 | Onyxia | Onyxia | 0.00 |
17.11.19 | Onyxia | Onyxia | 0.00 |
09.09.20 | BWL | Nefarian | 5.00 |
26.04.20 | BWL Raid | Nefarian | 10.00 |
08.07.20 | BWL | Nefarian | 10.00 |
12.08.20 | BWL Raid | Nefarian | 10.00 |
05.07.20 | BWL | Nefarian | 10.00 |
11.08.20 | BWL Raid | Nefarian | 10.00 |
19.07.20 | Blackwing Lair | Nefarian | 10.00 |
21.06.20 | BWL Raid | Nefarian | 10.00 |
24.05.20 | BWL | Nefarian | 10.00 |
29.07.20 | BWL Raid | Nefarian | 10.00 |
26.07.20 | BWL Raid | Nefarian | 10.00 |
06.09.20 | BWL Raid | Nefarian | 5.00 |
29.01.20 | Molten Core | MoltenCore +Onyxia | 10.00 |
12.02.20 | Molten Core | Moltencore | 10.00 |
08.01.20 | Molten Core | MoltenCore | 10.00 |
29.12.19 | Molten Core | Moltencore | 10.00 |
27.11.19 | Molten Core | MoltenCore | 10.00 |
05.04.20 | Molten Core | MoltenCore | 8.00 |
22.03.20 | Molten Core | Moltencore | 8.00 |
23.02.20 | Molten Core | Moltencore | 8.00 |
09.02.20 | Molten Core | Moltencore | 8.00 |
15.12.19 | Molten Core | Moltencore | 8.00 |
05.01.20 | Molten Core | Moltencore | 10.00 |
20.11.19 | Molten Core | MC, Onyxia | 10.00 |
25.03.20 | Molten Core | MC+Ony | 10.00 |
03.05.20 | Molten Core | MC +Ony | 10.00 |
09.09.20 | Molten Core | MC | 5.00 |
17.06.20 | Molten Core | MC | 10.00 |
24.11.19 | Molten Core | MC | 8.00 |
12.07.20 | Molten Core | MC | 10.00 |
22.07.20 | Molten Core | MC | 10.00 |
11.08.20 | Molten Core | MC | 10.00 |
14.06.20 | Molten Core | MC | 10.00 |
17.05.20 | Molten Core | MC | 10.00 |
02.02.20 | Molten Core | MC | 8.00 |
22.04.20 | Molten Core | MC | 10.00 |
31.05.20 | Molten Core | MC | 10.00 |
19.04.20 | Molten Core | MC | 10.00 |
06.05.20 | Molten Core | MC | 10.00 |
25.04.21 | Naxxramas | Maexxna, Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad | 10.00 |
04.10.20 | Geschmolzener Kern | Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuronherold, Golemagg der Verbrenner, Majordomus Executus, Lavaexplosion | 5.00 |
08.03.20 | Molten Core | Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros, Onyxia | 8.00 |
28.06.20 | Molten Core | Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros, Onyxia | 10.00 |
15.07.20 | Molten Core | Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros | 10.00 |
08.04.20 | Molten Core | Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros | 10.00 |
Item-Kauf-Historie 62
Individuelle Korrektur-Historie 29
Datum | Charaktere | Grund | Wert |
23.10.19 | Astsklave, Chinchilla, Despro, Dorgar, Eltarios, Elynea, Isen, Iwein, Jdark, Kraddy, Lansgate, Leuchtfeuer, Luminous, Morphelia, Oxxy, Pyle, Ragnuin, Rygorm, Schwertherd, Sito, Fidos, Avicenna | Start | 10.00 |
30.10.19 | Astsklave, Dorgar, Kraddy, Luminous | Abgemeldet am 30.10.2019 | 1.00 |
03.11.19 | Astsklave, Kraddy, Luminous, Schwertherd | Erster Raid 03.11.2019 | 2.00 |
07.11.19 | Elynea, Isen, Kraddy | Abgemeldet am 06.11.2019 | 1.00 |
13.11.19 | Isen, Kraddy, Luminous | Abgemeldet am 13.11.2019 | 1.00 |
17.11.19 | Kraddy | Erster Raid | 2.00 |
01.12.19 | Kraddy | Kurzfristige Abmeldung | -1.00 |
04.12.19 | Kraddy | Nicht angemeldet am 04.12 | -1.00 |
04.12.19 | Dorgar, Iwein, Jdark, Kraddy, Luminous | Abgemeldet am 04.12 | 1.00 |
15.01.20 | Avicenna, Isen, Jdark, Kraddy, Lansgate, Luminous | Abgemeldet am 15.01.2020 | 1.00 |
19.01.20 | Avicenna, Isen, Jdark, Kraddy, Lansgate, Luminous | Erster Raid 19.01.2020 | 2.00 |
22.01.20 | Kraddy | Angemeldet und nicht erschienen 22.01.2020 /Wichtiger Grund | -1.00 |
26.01.20 | Despro, Kraddy, Luminous | Erster Raid die Woche | 2.00 |
11.03.20 | Jdark, Kraddy, Lansgate, Marelii | abgemeldet am 11.03 | 1.00 |
15.03.20 | Lansgate, Marelii, Sito, Kraddy | Erster Raid 15.03.2020 | 2.00 |
18.03.20 | Kraddy, Luminous | Abgemeldet am 18.03.2020 | 1.00 |
19.08.20 | Astsklave, Avicenna, Berlinde, Chinchilla, Dorgar, Eltarios, Elynea, Ezzio, Fidos, Frapy, Gavenar, Gongy, Haktor, Holsten, Isen, Iwein, Jdark, Kraddy, Lansgate, Leuchtfeuer, Luminous, Marelii, Morphelia, Oxxy, Pyle, Ragnuin, Rygorm, Schwertherd, Sito, Timi, Zealín, Babra, Lefur, Luneá, Lailandra, Kampfzwergl, Cobain, Curley, Djaango, Emmihaze, Gledis, Mimagna, Papenbart, Thraeldor, Farmerus, Todeep | Start DKP AQ40 manuel | 100.00 |
19.08.20 | Astsklave, Avicenna, Berlinde, Chinchilla, Despro, Djreedoo, Dorgar, Eltarios, Elynea, Ezzio, Fidos, Frapy, Gavenar, Gongy, Haktor, Holsten, Isen, Iwein, Jdark, Kraddy, Lansgate, Leuchtfeuer, Luminous, Marelii, Morphelia, Oxxy, Pyle, Ragnuin, Rygorm, Schwertherd, Sito, Timi, Zealín, Lefur, Babra, Luneá, Lailandra, Kampfzwergl | Start DKP AQ20 manuel | 100.00 |
16.11.20 | Kraddy | DKP Anpassung | 106.00 |
11.04.21 | Kraddy | Naxx Decay | -1.00 |
14.04.21 | Kraddy | Naxx Decay | -2.00 |
21.04.21 | Kraddy | Naxx Decay | -2.00 |
25.04.21 | Kraddy | Naxx Decay | -2.00 |
27.04.21 | Kraddy | Naxx Decay | -3.00 |
01.05.21 | Kraddy | Naxx Decay | -3.00 |
03.05.21 | Kraddy | Naxx Decay | -3.00 |
09.05.21 | Kraddy | Naxx Decay | -4.00 |
13.05.21 | Kraddy | Naxx Decay | -3.00 |
17.05.21 | Kraddy | Naxx Decay | -4.00 |
Icon | Ereignis | Raids (Lebenszeit) |
![]() |
Zul´Gurub | 58.00% (7/12) |
![]() |
Onyxia | 100.00% (4/4) |
![]() |
Onyxia | 70.00% (14/20) |
![]() |
Naxxramas | 20.00% (10/49) |
![]() |
Molten Core | 74.00% (50/68) |
![]() |
Naxx + AQ 40 | 0.00% (0/0) |
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Naxx + ZG | 0.00% (0/0) |
![]() |
Classic | 67.00% (2/3) |
![]() |
BWL Raid | 88.00% (15/17) |
![]() |
AQ 40 | 26.00% (7/27) |
![]() |
AQ40 | 0.00% (0/0) |
![]() |
AQ 20 | 38.00% (3/8) |
![]() |
ZG Nespo | 0.00% (0/0) |
Blackwing Lair | 75.00% (9/12) |
Duskwood | 0.00% (0/1) |
0.00% (0/0) |
BWL | 67.00% (8/12) |
0.00% (0/0) |
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj | 0.00% (0/0) |
Pechschwingenhort | 17.00% (1/6) |
Geschmolzener Kern | 17.00% (1/6) |
Tempel von Ahn'Qiraj | 0.00% (0/0) |
Onyxia's Lair | 0.00% (0/0) |