eventicon126 AQ 40, 11. April 2021 22:11

Der Prophet Skeram, Adel der Silithiden, Schlachtwache Sartura, Fankriss der Unnachgiebige, Prinzessin Huhuran, Zwillingsimperatoren, Ouro, C'Thun

Attendees 38

Items 25

Buyer Name Itempool Droprate Value
Rygorm icon Badge of the Swarmguard AQ 40 1 % 115.00
Insanctus icon Burrower Bracers AQ 40 0 % 1.00
Leuchtfeuer icon Eye of C'Thun AQ 40 4 % 100.00
Kraddy icon Qiraji Bindings of Command AQ 40 4 % 1.00
Oberon icon Qiraji Bindings of Dominance AQ 40 5 % 0.00
Khold icon Bile-Covered Gauntlets AQ 40 0 % 0.00
Thraeldor icon Hive Defiler Wristguards AQ 40 1 % 10.00
Curley icon Gloves of the Hidden Temple AQ 40 1 % 1.00
Oberon icon Skin of the Great Sandworm AQ 40 2 % 0.00
Gavenar icon Husk of the Old God AQ 40 3 % 0.00
Dahja icon Husk of the Old God AQ 40 3 % 0.00
Chínchilla icon Carapace of the Old God AQ 40 3 % 0.00
Berlinde icon Royal Qiraji Belt AQ 40 1 % 1.00
Nachtzwergl icon Mantle of Wicked Revenge AQ 40 1 % 0.00
Kraddy icon Ouro's Intact Hide AQ 40 3 % 1.00
disenchanted icon Ring of Swarming Thought AQ 40 1 % 0.00
Dahja icon Robes of the Triumvirate AQ 40 1 % 0.00
Dahja icon Robes of the Triumvirate AQ 40 1 % 0.00
Dahja icon Staff of the Qiraji Prophets AQ 40 1 % 0.00
Nachtzwergl icon Hive Tunneler's Boots AQ 40 1 % 0.00
WhiskeyCola icon Dark Storm Gauntlets AQ 40 1 % 110.00
Paccolino icon Gauntlets of Steadfast Determination AQ 40 1 % 1.00
Eltarios icon Cloak of Clarity AQ 40 1 % 1.00
Chínchilla icon Vek'lor's Diadem AQ 40 2 % 0.00
Dahja icon Vek'nilash's Circlet AQ 40 3 % 0.00

Class Distribution Loot Distribution

Class Distribution

Class Percent Attendees
class 10 Warrior
Aldarthor, Berlinde, Iwein, Kraddy, Paccolino, Qufo, Schwertherd, Zarborge
class 4 Mage
Astsklave, Lailandra, Luminous, WhiskeyCola, Zealín
class 6 Priest
Avicenna, Dahja, Insanctus, Mimagna
class 5 Paladin
Chínchilla, Frapy, Grédel, Oberon, Thraeldor
class 9 Warlock
Cobain, Morphelia, Siamée
class 2 Druid
Curley, Leuchtfeuer, Nachtzwergl, Shvenia
class 7 Rogue
Ezzio, Gavenar, Kallekalypso, Khold, Todeep, Yautya
class 3 Hunter
Norgrîm, Rygorm, Slomi


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