class 10
Level 60, Warrior

DKP Information

Show the points information for this Char only

Point account name Earned Spent Adjustment Current Raids (30 days) Raids (60 days) Raids (90 days) Raids (lifetime)
Naxxramas 460.00 113.00 -231.00 116.00 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 98% (48/49)
AQ 40 215.00 247.00 100.00 68.00 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 81% (22/27)
... 2 entries found

Raid Attendance History

Date Name Note Value
31.05.20 Zul´Gurub Zul Gurub 10.00
15.04.20 Zul´Gurub ZG Startdkp 10.00
26.07.20 Zul´Gurub ZG Kraddy 10.00
03.06.20 Zul´Gurub ZG 10.00
13.05.20 Zul´Gurub ZG 10.00
10.05.20 Zul´Gurub ZG 10.00
26.04.20 Zul´Gurub ZG 10.00
17.06.20 Zul´Gurub ZG 10.00
05.07.20 Zul´Gurub ZG 10.00
28.03.21 Naxxramas Trash Mob, Maexxna, Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad 10.00
29.11.20 Geschmolzener Kern Trash Mob, Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuronherold, Golemagg der Verbrenner, Majordomus Executus, Lavaexplosion, Onyxia 5.00
15.11.20 Molten Core Trash Mob, Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuronherold, Golemagg der Verbrenner, Majordomus Executus, Lavaexplosion 5.00
28.10.20 Geschmolzener Kern Trash Mob, Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuronherold, Golemagg der Verbrenner, Majordomus Executus, Lavaexplosion 5.00
18.11.20 Geschmolzener Kern Trash Mob, Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuronherold, Golemagg der Verbrenner, Majordomus Executus, Lavaexplosion 5.00
06.09.20 AQ 20 Trash Mob, Kurinnaxx, General Rajaxx, Buru the Gorger, Moam, Ossirian the Unscarred, Ayamiss the Hunter 10.00
17.03.21 Naxxramas Trash Mob, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Loatheb, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Maexxna 10.00
31.03.21 Naxxramas Trash Mob, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Loatheb, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Maexxna 10.00
03.03.21 Naxxramas Trash Mob, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Loatheb, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Maexxna 10.00
14.04.21 Naxxramas Trash Mob, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Loatheb, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Maexxna 10.00
07.04.21 Naxxramas Trash Mob, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine 10.00
05.05.21 Naxxramas Trash Mob, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Maexxna, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Instrukteur Razuvious, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius 10.00
20.01.21 Naxxramas Trash Mob, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Maexxna, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Loatheb 10.00
10.02.21 Naxxramas Trash Mob, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Maexxna, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Loatheb 10.00
13.09.20 AQ 40 The Prophet Skeram, Battleguard Sartura, Fankriss the Unyielding, Princess Huhuran, Ouro, C'Thun, Viscidus 10.00
18.10.20 AQ 40 The Prophet Skeram, Battleguard Sartura, Fankriss the Unyielding, Princess Huhuran, Ouro, C'Thun, Viscidus 10.00
02.09.20 AQ 40 The Prophet Skeram, Battleguard Sartura, Fankriss the Unyielding, Princess Huhuran, Ouro, C'Thun 10.00
26.08.20 AQ 40 The Prophet Skeram, Battleguard Sartura, Fankriss the Unyielding, Princess Huhuran, C'Thun, Ouro 10.00
18.08.20 AQ 40 The Prophet Skeram, Battleguard Sartura, Fankriss the Unyielding, Princess Huhuran 10.00
17.11.19 Molten Core Sulfuron Harbinger, Shazzrah, Ragnaros, Majordomo Executus, Golemagg the Incinerator 8.00
02.08.20 BWL Silithus 10.00
19.01.20 Molten Core Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros, Onyxia 8.00
22.12.19 Molten Core Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros, Onyxia 8.00
08.12.19 Molten Core Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros, Onyxia 8.00
10.11.19 Molten Core Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros, Onyxia 8.00
26.01.20 Molten Core Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros 8.00
12.01.20 Molten Core Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros 8.00
21.02.21 Naxxramas Sapphiron, Kel'Thuzad 10.00
16.05.21 Naxxramas Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad 10.00
24.01.21 Naxxramas Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad 10.00
14.02.21 Naxxramas Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad 10.00
07.03.21 Naxxramas Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad 10.00
14.03.21 Naxxramas Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad 10.00
21.03.21 Naxxramas Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad 10.00
04.04.21 Naxxramas Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad 10.00
18.04.21 Naxxramas Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad 10.00
02.05.21 Naxxramas Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad 10.00
28.02.21 Naxxramas Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad 10.00
19.02.20 Blackwing Lair Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Nefarian 10.00
28.04.20 Blackwing Lair Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Nefarian, Onyxia 10.00
24.06.20 Blackwing Lair Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Nefarian 10.00
26.02.20 Blackwing Lair Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Nefarian 10.00
27.05.20 Blackwing Lair Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Nefarian 10.00
23.09.20 Blackwing Lair Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Nefarian 5.00
21.10.20 Blackwing Lair Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Nefarian 5.00
12.04.20 Blackwing Lair Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Nefarian 8.00
28.10.20 Pechschwingenhort Razorgore der Ungezähmte, Vaelastrasz der Verdorbene, Brutwächter Dreschbringer, Feuerschwinge, Schattenschwinge, Flammenmaul, Chromaggus, Nefarian 5.00
15.11.20 BWL Razorgore der Ungezähmte, Vaelastrasz der Verdorbene, Brutwächter Dreschbringer, Feuerschwinge, Schattenschwinge, Flammenmaul, Chromaggus, Nefarian 5.00
18.11.20 Pechschwingenhort Razorgore der Ungezähmte, Vaelastrasz der Verdorbene, Brutwächter Dreschbringer, Feuerschwinge, Schattenschwinge, Flammenmaul, Chromaggus, Nefarian 5.00
29.11.20 Pechschwingenhort Razorgore der Ungezähmte, Vaelastrasz der Verdorbene, Brutwächter Dreschbringer, Feuerschwinge, Schattenschwinge, Flammenmaul, Chromaggus, Nefarian 5.00
24.01.21 BWL Razorgore der Ungezähmte, Vaelastrasz der Verdorbene, Brutwächter Dreschbringer, Feuerschwinge, Schattenschwinge, Flammenmaul, Chromaggus, Nefarian 10.00
07.10.20 Pechschwingenhort Razorgore der Ungezähmte, Vaelastrasz der Verdorbene, Brutwächter Dreschbringer, Feuerschwinge, Schattenschwinge, Flammenmaul, Chromaggus, Nefarian 5.00
04.10.20 Pechschwingenhort Razorgore der Ungezähmte, Vaelastrasz der Verdorbene, Brutwächter Dreschbringer, Feuerschwinge, Schattenschwinge, Flammenmaul, Chromaggus, Nefarian 5.00
04.11.20 Pechschwingenhort Razorgore der Ungezähmte, Vaelastrasz der Verdorbene, Brutwächter Dreschbringer, Feuerschwinge, Schattenschwinge, Flammenmaul, Chromaggus, Nefarian 5.00
06.09.20 Molten Core Ragnaros 5.00
24.03.21 Naxxramas Patchwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Noth the Plaguebringer, Heigan the Unclean, Loatheb, Instructor Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, The Four Horsemen, Anub'Rekhan, Grand Widow Faerlina 10.00
27.10.19 Molten Core Onyxia, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros 0.00
13.10.19 Molten Core Onyxia, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros 0.00
16.10.19 Molten Core Onyxia, Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator 36.00
24.06.20 Classic Onyxia 0.00
17.11.19 Onyxia Onyxia 0.00
05.07.20 Onyxia Onyxia 0.00
09.02.20 Onyxia Onyxia 0.00
06.11.19 Classic Onyxia 0.00
01.12.19 Onyxia Onyxia 0.00
29.12.19 Onyxia Onyxia 0.00
13.05.20 Onyxia Onyxia 0.00
14.06.20 Onyxia Onyxia 0.00
18.02.20 Onyxia Onyxia 0.00
01.01.20 Onyxia Onyxia 4.00
05.01.20 Onyxia Onyxia 0.00
12.01.20 Onyxia Onyxia 0.00
31.05.20 Onyxia Onyxia 0.00
12.08.20 BWL Raid Nefarian 10.00
29.07.20 BWL Raid Nefarian 10.00
26.07.20 BWL Raid Nefarian 10.00
05.08.20 BWL Nefarian 10.00
19.07.20 Blackwing Lair Nefarian 10.00
08.07.20 BWL Nefarian 10.00
05.07.20 BWL Nefarian 10.00
21.06.20 BWL Raid Nefarian 10.00
26.04.20 BWL Raid Nefarian 10.00
11.08.20 BWL Raid Nefarian 10.00
09.09.20 BWL Nefarian 5.00
06.09.20 BWL Raid Nefarian 5.00
29.01.20 Molten Core MoltenCore +Onyxia 10.00
15.01.20 Molten Core MoltenCore 10.00
29.12.19 Molten Core Moltencore 10.00
12.02.20 Molten Core Moltencore 10.00
22.03.20 Molten Core Moltencore 8.00
11.03.20 Molten Core Moltencore 10.00
... 203 entries found / 100 are shown

Item Purchase History

Date Buyer Name Raid Itempool Value
16.10.19 Iwein icon Bracers of Might Molten Core SecMainraid 5.00
16.10.19 Iwein icon Head of Onyxia Molten Core SecMainraid 5.00
27.10.19 Iwein icon Heated Ancient Blade Molten Core SecMainraid 0.00
27.10.19 Iwein icon Eskhandar's Collar Molten Core SecMainraid 5.00
27.10.19 Iwein icon Legplates of Wrath Molten Core SecMainraid 7.00
06.11.19 Iwein icon Drillborer Disk Molten Core SecMainraid 5.00
20.11.19 Iwein icon Sabatons of Might Molten Core SecMainraid 5.00
20.11.19 Iwein icon Ring of Binding Molten Core SecMainraid 5.00
24.11.19 Iwein icon Heavy Dark Iron Ring Molten Core SecMainraid 5.00
27.11.19 Iwein icon Belt of Might Molten Core SecMainraid 5.00
01.12.19 Iwein icon Dragon's Blood Cape Molten Core SecMainraid 5.00
22.12.19 Iwein icon Fireguard Shoulders Molten Core SecMainraid 8.00
29.12.19 Iwein icon Breastplate of Might Molten Core SecMainraid 5.00
29.12.19 Iwein Im Kern geschmiedete Schienbeinstützer Molten Core SecMainraid 5.00
15.01.20 Iwein icon Gauntlets of Might Molten Core SecMainraid 5.00
22.01.20 Iwein icon Schematic: Core Marksman Rifle Molten Core SecMainraid 4.00
02.02.20 Iwein icon Pauldrons of Might Molten Core SecMainraid 5.00
02.02.20 Iwein icon Essence of the Pure Flame Molten Core SecMainraid 6.00
16.02.20 Iwein icon Pauldrons of Wrath BWL Raid SecMainraid 7.00
19.02.20 Iwein icon Waistband of Wrath Blackwing Lair SecMainraid 7.00
19.02.20 Iwein icon Elementium Threaded Cloak Blackwing Lair SecMainraid 5.00
04.03.20 Iwein icon Breastplate of Wrath BWL SecMainraid 7.00
29.03.20 Iwein icon Elementium Reinforced Bulwark BWL Raid SecMainraid 5.00
29.03.20 Iwein icon Archimtiros' Ring of Reckoning BWL Raid SecMainraid 5.00
12.04.20 Iwein icon Sabatons of Wrath Blackwing Lair SecMainraid 7.00
12.04.20 Iwein icon Lifegiving Gem Blackwing Lair SecMainraid 5.00
26.04.20 Iwein icon Nat Pagle's Broken Reel Zul´Gurub SecMainraid 1.00
28.04.20 Iwein icon Gauntlets of Wrath Blackwing Lair SecMainraid 7.00
13.05.20 Iwein icon Head of Nefarian BWL Raid SecMainraid 7.00
17.05.20 Iwein icon Eskhandar's Right Claw Molten Core SecMainraid 1.00
27.05.20 Iwein icon Styleen's Impeding Scarab Blackwing Lair SecMainraid 1.00
31.05.20 Iwein icon Sacrificial Gauntlets Zul´Gurub SecMainraid 0.00
03.06.20 Iwein icon Zulian Tigerhide Cloak Zul´Gurub SecMainraid 1.00
03.06.20 Iwein icon Warblade of the Hakkari Zul´Gurub SecMainraid 26.00
10.06.20 Iwein icon Malfurion's Blessed Bulwark BWL Raid SecMainraid 2.00
28.06.20 Iwein icon Quick Strike Ring Molten Core SecMainraid 2.00
05.07.20 Iwein icon Bracelets of Wrath BWL SecMainraid 1.00
05.07.20 Iwein icon Primal Hakkari Idol Zul´Gurub SecMainraid 41.00
19.07.20 Iwein icon Spineshatter Blackwing Lair SecMainraid 1.00
18.08.20 Iwein icon Yellow Qiraji Resonating Crystal AQ 40 AQ 40 0.00
26.08.20 Iwein icon Cloak of the Golden Hive AQ 40 AQ 40 1.00
26.08.20 Iwein icon Qiraji Bindings of Command AQ 40 AQ 40 18.00
26.08.20 Iwein icon Cloak of the Golden Hive AQ 40 AQ 40 0.00
26.08.20 Iwein icon Qiraji Bindings of Command AQ 40 AQ 40 0.00
26.08.20 Iwein icon Carapace of the Old God AQ 40 AQ 40 25.00
26.08.20 Iwein icon Ouro's Intact Hide AQ 40 AQ 40 33.00
02.09.20 Iwein icon Imperial Qiraji Regalia AQ 40 AQ 40 100.00
16.09.20 Iwein icon Mark of C'Thun AQ 40 AQ 40 1.00
20.09.20 Iwein icon Schematic: Biznicks 247x128 Accurascope Molten Core SecMainraid 3.00
14.10.20 Iwein icon Drake Fang Talisman Blackwing Lair SecMainraid 580.00
18.10.20 Iwein icon Qiraji Bindings of Command AQ 40 AQ 40 0.00
18.10.20 Iwein icon Vek'nilash's Circlet AQ 40 AQ 40 3.00
25.10.20 Iwein icon Silithid Carapace Chestguard AQ 40 AQ 40 1.00
28.10.20 Iwein icon Dragonbreath Hand Cannon Pechschwingenhort SecMainraid 1.00
01.11.20 Iwein icon Imperial Qiraji Armaments AQ 40 AQ 40 6.00
08.11.20 Iwein icon Gauntlets of Steadfast Determination AQ 40 AQ 40 1.00
02.12.20 Iwein icon Royal Qiraji Belt AQ 40 AQ 40 1.00
16.12.20 Iwein icon Desecrated Bracers Naxxramas Naxxramas 0.00
16.12.20 Iwein icon Desecrated Bracers Naxxramas Naxxramas 0.00
23.12.20 Iwein icon Desecrated Gauntlets Naxxramas Naxxramas 0.00
23.12.20 Iwein icon Desecrated Pauldrons Naxxramas Naxxramas 0.00
23.12.20 Iwein icon Desecrated Helmet Naxxramas Naxxramas 0.00
23.12.20 Iwein icon Desecrated Sabatons Naxxramas Naxxramas 0.00
10.01.21 Iwein icon The Face of Death Naxxramas Naxxramas 1.00
10.01.21 Iwein icon The Hungering Cold Naxxramas Naxxramas 101.00
17.01.21 Iwein icon Desecrated Legplates Naxxramas Naxxramas 0.00
20.01.21 Iwein icon Desecrated Waistguard Naxxramas Naxxramas 0.00
27.01.21 Iwein icon Gluth's Missing Collar Naxxramas Naxxramas 1.00
27.01.21 Iwein icon Desecrated Breastplate Naxxramas Naxxramas 0.00
31.01.21 Iwein icon Ring of Emperor Vek'lor AQ 40 AQ 40 55.00
14.02.21 Iwein icon Fortitude of the Scourge Naxxramas Naxxramas 1.00
17.02.21 Iwein icon Claymore of Unholy Might Naxxramas Naxxramas 1.00
03.03.21 Iwein icon Icebane Helmet Naxxramas Naxxramas 0.00
10.03.21 Iwein icon Maul of the Redeemed Crusader Naxxramas Naxxramas 6.00
21.03.21 Iwein icon Ring of the Dreadnaught Naxxramas Naxxramas 0.00
21.03.21 Iwein icon Hive Defiler Wristguards AQ 40 AQ 40 2.00
24.03.21 Iwein icon Hailstone Band Naxxramas Naxxramas 0.00
07.04.21 Iwein icon Cryptfiend Silk Cloak Naxxramas Naxxramas 2.00
... 78 entries found

Individual Adjustment History

Date Reason Value
17.05.21 Naxx Decay -9.00
13.05.21 Naxx Decay -9.00
09.05.21 Naxx Decay -8.00
03.05.21 Naxx Decay -8.00
01.05.21 Naxx Decay -8.00
27.04.21 Naxx Decay -8.00
25.04.21 Naxx Decay -9.00
21.04.21 Naxx Decay -9.00
14.04.21 Naxx Decay -8.00
11.04.21 Naxx Decay -8.00
11.04.21 Naxx Decay -8.00
05.04.21 Naxx Decay -8.00
01.04.21 Naxx Decay -8.00
29.03.21 Naxx Decay -8.00
24.03.21 Naxx Decay -8.00
23.03.21 Naxx Decay -8.00
20.03.21 Naxx Decay -7.00
14.03.21 Naxx Decay -7.00
10.03.21 Naxx Decay -7.00
07.03.21 Naxx Decay -7.00
04.03.21 Naxx Decay -7.00
01.03.21 Naxx Decay -7.00
25.02.21 Naxx Decay -6.00
24.02.21 Naxx Decay -6.00
17.02.21 Naxx Decay -6.00
16.02.21 Naxx Decay -5.00
12.02.21 Naxx Decay -5.00
08.02.21 Naxx Decay -5.00
04.02.21 Naxx Decay -4.00
31.01.21 Naxx Decay -4.00
27.01.21 Naxx Decay -3.00
25.01.21 Naxx Decay -2.00
20.01.21 Naxx Decay -2.00
18.01.21 Naxx Decay -1.00
07.01.21 Naxx Decay -8.00
03.01.21 Naxx Decay -7.00
31.12.20 Naxx Decay -7.00
28.12.20 Naxx Decay -6.00
26.12.20 Naxx Decay -6.00
21.12.20 Naxx Decay -6.00
16.12.20 Naxx Decay -5.00
14.12.20 Naxx Decay -5.00
09.12.20 Naxx Decay -4.00
06.12.20 Naxx Decay -4.00
05.12.20 Naxx Start 50.00
16.11.20 DKP Anpassung 69.00
19.08.20 Start DKP AQ20 manuel 100.00
19.08.20 Start DKP AQ40 manuel 100.00
14.05.20 DKP Anpassung -10.00
05.01.20 Teilweise Raidteilnahme 4.00
19.12.19 Abgemeldet am 18.12.2019 1.00
15.12.19 Abgemeldet am 15.12.2019 1.00
04.12.19 Abgemeldet am 04.12 1.00
01.12.19 Erster Raid 01.12.19 2.00
27.11.19 Abgemeldet am 27.11.2019 1.00
23.10.19 Start 10.00
... 56 entries found
Icon Event Raids (lifetime)
eventicon85 Zul´Gurub
75.00% (9/12)
eventicon7 Onyxia
75.00% (3/4)
eventicon8 Onyxia
55.00% (11/20)
eventicon210 Naxxramas
98.00% (48/49)
eventicon6 Molten Core
86.00% (59/69)
eventicon240 Naxx + AQ 40
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon241 Naxx + ZG
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon4 Classic
67.00% (2/3)
eventicon53 BWL Raid
94.00% (16/17)
eventicon126 AQ 40
78.00% (21/27)
eventicon239 AQ40
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon138 AQ 20
25.00% (2/8)
eventicon189 ZG Nespo
0.00% (0/0)
Blackwing Lair
83.00% (10/12)
0.00% (0/1)
0.00% (0/0)
83.00% (10/12)
0.00% (0/0)
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
0.00% (0/0)
100.00% (6/6)
Geschmolzener Kern
100.00% (6/6)
Tempel von Ahn'Qiraj
0.00% (0/0)
Onyxia's Lair
0.00% (0/0)
... 23 entries found
Ja mei!



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