class 10
Level 60, Warrior
Night Elf
Second Try

DKP Information

Show the points information for this Char only

Point account name Earned Spent Adjustment Current Raids (30 days) Raids (60 days) Raids (90 days) Raids (lifetime)
Naxxramas 90.00 1.00 -33.00 56.00 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 69% (9/13)
AQ 40 35.00 95.00 0.00 -60.00 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 16% (3/19)
... 2 entries found

Raid Attendance History

Date Name Note Value
28.04.21 Naxxramas Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Maexxna, Instrukteur Razuvious, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Loatheb, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter 10.00
16.09.20 AQ 40 AQ40 10.00
30.09.20 AQ 40 AQ 40 - Full Clear 10.00
20.09.20 BWL Raid BWL 10.00
04.10.20 BWL BWL - Doppelt - Ignorieren 0.00
11.10.20 AQ 40 Der Prophet Skeram, Schlachtwache Sartura, Fankriss der Unnachgiebige, Prinzessin Huhuran, Zwillingsimperatoren, Ouro, C'Thun, Viscidus, Adel der Silithiden 15.00
08.09.20 AQ 20 Kurinnaxx, General Rajaxx, Buru the Gorger, Moam, Ossirian the Unscarred, Ayamiss the Hunter 10.00
11.04.21 Naxxramas Loatheb, Maexxna, Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad 10.00
23.09.20 Molten Core Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros 5.00
04.10.20 Geschmolzener Kern Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuronherold, Golemagg der Verbrenner, Majordomus Executus, Lavaexplosion 5.00
07.10.20 Geschmolzener Kern Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuronherold, Golemagg der Verbrenner, Majordomus Executus, Lavaexplosion 5.00
25.04.21 Naxxramas Maexxna, Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad 10.00
20.09.20 Molten Core MC 0.00
09.09.20 Molten Core MC 5.00
09.09.20 BWL Nefarian 5.00
06.09.20 BWL Raid Nefarian 5.00
04.10.20 Pechschwingenhort Razorgore der Ungezähmte, Vaelastrasz der Verdorbene, Brutwächter Dreschbringer, Feuerschwinge, Schattenschwinge, Flammenmaul, Chromaggus, Nefarian 5.00
07.10.20 Pechschwingenhort Razorgore der Ungezähmte, Vaelastrasz der Verdorbene, Brutwächter Dreschbringer, Feuerschwinge, Schattenschwinge, Flammenmaul, Chromaggus, Nefarian 5.00
23.09.20 Blackwing Lair Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Nefarian 5.00
04.04.21 Naxxramas Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad 10.00
18.04.21 Naxxramas Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad 10.00
02.05.21 Naxxramas Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad 10.00
07.04.21 Naxxramas Trash Mob, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine 10.00
21.04.21 Naxxramas Trash Mob, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Loatheb, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina 10.00
14.04.21 Naxxramas Trash Mob, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Loatheb, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Maexxna 10.00
... 25 entries found

Item Purchase History

Date Buyer Name Raid Itempool Value
28.04.21 Lloyed icon Desecrated Sabatons Naxxramas Naxxramas 0.00
21.04.21 Lloyed icon Desecrated Legplates Naxxramas Naxxramas 0.00
14.04.21 Lloyed icon Desecrated Bracers Naxxramas Naxxramas 0.00
14.04.21 Lloyed icon Ghoul Skin Tunic Naxxramas Naxxramas 1.00
14.04.21 Lloyed icon Icebane Helmet Naxxramas Naxxramas 0.00
14.04.21 Lloyed icon Desecrated Waistguard Naxxramas Naxxramas 0.00
14.04.21 Lloyed icon Hailstone Band Naxxramas Naxxramas 0.00
11.04.21 Lloyed icon Desecrated Gauntlets Naxxramas Naxxramas 0.00
11.10.20 Lloyed icon Breastplate of Annihilation AQ 40 AQ 40 50.00
07.10.20 Lloyed icon Aged Core Leather Gloves Geschmolzener Kern SecMainraid 1.00
07.10.20 Lloyed icon Legplates of Might Geschmolzener Kern SecMainraid 1.00
07.10.20 Lloyed icon Drake Talon Pauldrons Pechschwingenhort SecMainraid 2.00
04.10.20 Lloyed icon Obsidian Edged Blade Geschmolzener Kern SecMainraid 1.00
04.10.20 Lloyed icon Helm of Might Geschmolzener Kern SecMainraid 1.00
04.10.20 Lloyed icon Striker's Mark Geschmolzener Kern SecMainraid 1.00
04.10.20 Lloyed icon Waistband of Wrath Pechschwingenhort SecMainraid 1.00
23.09.20 Lloyed icon Breastplate of Might Molten Core SecMainraid 1.00
23.09.20 Lloyed icon Bracelets of Wrath Blackwing Lair SecMainraid 1.00
20.09.20 Lloyed icon Gauntlets of Might Molten Core SecMainraid 1.00
20.09.20 Lloyed icon Crul'shorukh, Edge of Chaos BWL Raid SecMainraid 1.00
20.09.20 Lloyed icon Pauldrons of Wrath BWL Raid SecMainraid 1.00
16.09.20 Lloyed icon Qiraji Bindings of Command AQ 40 AQ 40 45.00
09.09.20 Lloyed icon Perdition's Blade Molten Core SecMainraid 1.00
09.09.20 Lloyed icon Legplates of Wrath Molten Core SecMainraid 1.00
08.09.20 Lloyed icon Ring of Fury AQ 20 SecMainraid 1.00
08.09.20 Lloyed icon Qiraji Martial Drape AQ 20 SecMainraid 1.00
06.09.20 Lloyed icon Head of Nefarian BWL Raid SecMainraid 20.00
06.09.20 Lloyed icon Gauntlets of Wrath BWL Raid SecMainraid 1.00
06.09.20 Lloyed icon Doom's Edge BWL Raid SecMainraid 1.00
06.09.20 Lloyed icon Claw of the Black Drake BWL Raid SecMainraid 1.00
06.09.20 Lloyed icon Sabatons of Wrath BWL Raid SecMainraid 1.00
... 31 entries found

Individual Adjustment History

Date Reason Value
17.05.21 Naxx Decay -4.00
13.05.21 Naxx Decay -5.00
09.05.21 Naxx Decay -5.00
03.05.21 Naxx Decay -5.00
01.05.21 Naxx Decay -4.00
27.04.21 Naxx Decay -4.00
25.04.21 Naxx Decay -3.00
21.04.21 Naxx Decay -3.00
... 8 entries found
Icon Event Raids (lifetime)
eventicon85 Zul´Gurub
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon7 Onyxia
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon8 Onyxia
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon210 Naxxramas
0.00% (9/0)
eventicon6 Molten Core
0.00% (3/0)
eventicon240 Naxx + AQ 40
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon241 Naxx + ZG
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon4 Classic
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon53 BWL Raid
0.00% (2/0)
eventicon126 AQ 40
0.00% (3/0)
eventicon239 AQ40
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon138 AQ 20
0.00% (1/0)
eventicon189 ZG Nespo
0.00% (0/0)
Blackwing Lair
0.00% (1/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (2/0)
0.00% (0/0)
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (2/0)
Geschmolzener Kern
0.00% (2/0)
Tempel von Ahn'Qiraj
0.00% (0/0)
Onyxia's Lair
0.00% (0/0)
... 23 entries found
No notes available.



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