Level 60, Paladin
DKP Information
Point account name | Earned | Spent | Adjustment | Current | Raids (30 days) | Raids (60 days) | Raids (90 days) | Raids (lifetime) |
Naxxramas | 465.00 | 126.00 | -231.00 | 108.00 | 0% (0/0) | 0% (0/0) | 0% (0/0) | 98% (48/49) |
AQ 40 | 240.00 | 230.00 | 100.00 | 110.00 | 0% (0/0) | 0% (0/0) | 0% (0/0) | 92% (24/26) |
... 2 entries found |
Raid Attendance History
Date | Name | Note | Value |
15.04.20 | Zul´Gurub | ZG Startdkp | 10.00 |
26.07.20 | Zul´Gurub | ZG Kraddy | 10.00 |
31.05.20 | Zul´Gurub | ZG | 10.00 |
07.06.20 | Zul´Gurub | ZG | 10.00 |
17.06.20 | Zul´Gurub | ZG | 10.00 |
30.08.20 | AQ 40 | Viscidus | 10.00 |
28.03.21 | Naxxramas | Trash Mob, Maexxna, Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad | 10.00 |
29.11.20 | Geschmolzener Kern | Trash Mob, Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuronherold, Golemagg der Verbrenner, Majordomus Executus, Lavaexplosion, Onyxia | 5.00 |
28.10.20 | Geschmolzener Kern | Trash Mob, Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuronherold, Golemagg der Verbrenner, Majordomus Executus, Lavaexplosion | 5.00 |
15.11.20 | Molten Core | Trash Mob, Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuronherold, Golemagg der Verbrenner, Majordomus Executus, Lavaexplosion | 5.00 |
14.04.21 | Naxxramas | Trash Mob, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Loatheb, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Maexxna | 10.00 |
17.03.21 | Naxxramas | Trash Mob, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Loatheb, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Maexxna | 10.00 |
31.03.21 | Naxxramas | Trash Mob, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Loatheb, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Maexxna | 10.00 |
03.03.21 | Naxxramas | Trash Mob, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Loatheb, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Maexxna | 10.00 |
21.04.21 | Naxxramas | Trash Mob, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Loatheb, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina | 10.00 |
07.04.21 | Naxxramas | Trash Mob, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine | 10.00 |
05.05.21 | Naxxramas | Trash Mob, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Maexxna, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Instrukteur Razuvious, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius | 10.00 |
20.01.21 | Naxxramas | Trash Mob, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Maexxna, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Loatheb | 10.00 |
10.02.21 | Naxxramas | Trash Mob, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Maexxna, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Loatheb | 10.00 |
13.09.20 | AQ 40 | The Prophet Skeram, Battleguard Sartura, Fankriss the Unyielding, Princess Huhuran, Ouro, C'Thun, Viscidus | 10.00 |
18.10.20 | AQ 40 | The Prophet Skeram, Battleguard Sartura, Fankriss the Unyielding, Princess Huhuran, Ouro, C'Thun, Viscidus | 10.00 |
26.08.20 | AQ 40 | The Prophet Skeram, Battleguard Sartura, Fankriss the Unyielding, Princess Huhuran, C'Thun, Ouro | 10.00 |
02.08.20 | BWL | Silithus | 10.00 |
21.02.21 | Naxxramas | Sapphiron, Kel'Thuzad | 10.00 |
24.01.21 | Naxxramas | Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad | 10.00 |
14.02.21 | Naxxramas | Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad | 10.00 |
16.05.21 | Naxxramas | Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad | 10.00 |
02.05.21 | Naxxramas | Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad | 10.00 |
04.04.21 | Naxxramas | Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad | 10.00 |
28.02.21 | Naxxramas | Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad | 10.00 |
07.03.21 | Naxxramas | Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad | 10.00 |
18.04.21 | Naxxramas | Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad | 10.00 |
21.03.21 | Naxxramas | Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad | 10.00 |
14.03.21 | Naxxramas | Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad | 10.00 |
23.09.20 | Blackwing Lair | Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Nefarian | 5.00 |
21.10.20 | Blackwing Lair | Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Nefarian | 5.00 |
27.05.20 | Blackwing Lair | Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Nefarian | 10.00 |
24.06.20 | Blackwing Lair | Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Nefarian | 10.00 |
28.10.20 | Pechschwingenhort | Razorgore der Ungezähmte, Vaelastrasz der Verdorbene, Brutwächter Dreschbringer, Feuerschwinge, Schattenschwinge, Flammenmaul, Chromaggus, Nefarian | 5.00 |
04.10.20 | Pechschwingenhort | Razorgore der Ungezähmte, Vaelastrasz der Verdorbene, Brutwächter Dreschbringer, Feuerschwinge, Schattenschwinge, Flammenmaul, Chromaggus, Nefarian | 5.00 |
07.10.20 | Pechschwingenhort | Razorgore der Ungezähmte, Vaelastrasz der Verdorbene, Brutwächter Dreschbringer, Feuerschwinge, Schattenschwinge, Flammenmaul, Chromaggus, Nefarian | 5.00 |
04.11.20 | Pechschwingenhort | Razorgore der Ungezähmte, Vaelastrasz der Verdorbene, Brutwächter Dreschbringer, Feuerschwinge, Schattenschwinge, Flammenmaul, Chromaggus, Nefarian | 5.00 |
29.11.20 | Pechschwingenhort | Razorgore der Ungezähmte, Vaelastrasz der Verdorbene, Brutwächter Dreschbringer, Feuerschwinge, Schattenschwinge, Flammenmaul, Chromaggus, Nefarian | 5.00 |
15.11.20 | BWL | Razorgore der Ungezähmte, Vaelastrasz der Verdorbene, Brutwächter Dreschbringer, Feuerschwinge, Schattenschwinge, Flammenmaul, Chromaggus, Nefarian | 5.00 |
24.01.21 | BWL | Razorgore der Ungezähmte, Vaelastrasz der Verdorbene, Brutwächter Dreschbringer, Feuerschwinge, Schattenschwinge, Flammenmaul, Chromaggus, Nefarian | 10.00 |
24.03.21 | Naxxramas | Patchwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Noth the Plaguebringer, Heigan the Unclean, Loatheb, Instructor Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, The Four Horsemen, Anub'Rekhan, Grand Widow Faerlina | 10.00 |
14.06.20 | Onyxia | Onyxia | 0.00 |
13.05.20 | Onyxia | Onyxia | 0.00 |
31.05.20 | Onyxia | Onyxia | 0.00 |
05.07.20 | Onyxia | Onyxia | 0.00 |
24.06.20 | Classic | Onyxia | 0.00 |
11.08.20 | BWL Raid | Nefarian | 10.00 |
05.07.20 | BWL | Nefarian | 10.00 |
12.08.20 | BWL Raid | Nefarian | 10.00 |
05.08.20 | BWL | Nefarian | 10.00 |
09.09.20 | BWL | Nefarian | 5.00 |
29.07.20 | BWL Raid | Nefarian | 10.00 |
26.07.20 | BWL Raid | Nefarian | 10.00 |
19.07.20 | Blackwing Lair | Nefarian | 10.00 |
08.07.20 | BWL | Nefarian | 10.00 |
24.05.20 | BWL | Nefarian | 10.00 |
21.06.20 | BWL Raid | Nefarian | 10.00 |
04.08.20 | Molten Core | MC Cyrass Szepter | 10.00 |
09.09.20 | Molten Core | MC | 5.00 |
16.08.20 | Molten Core | MC | 10.00 |
22.07.20 | Molten Core | MC | 10.00 |
31.05.20 | Molten Core | MC | 10.00 |
11.08.20 | Molten Core | MC | 10.00 |
03.06.20 | Molten Core | MC | 10.00 |
12.07.20 | Molten Core | MC | 10.00 |
20.09.20 | Molten Core | MC | 0.00 |
17.05.20 | Molten Core | MC | 10.00 |
14.06.20 | Molten Core | MC | 10.00 |
17.06.20 | Molten Core | MC | 10.00 |
25.04.21 | Naxxramas | Maexxna, Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad | 10.00 |
04.10.20 | Geschmolzener Kern | Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuronherold, Golemagg der Verbrenner, Majordomus Executus, Lavaexplosion | 5.00 |
07.10.20 | Geschmolzener Kern | Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuronherold, Golemagg der Verbrenner, Majordomus Executus, Lavaexplosion | 5.00 |
04.11.20 | Geschmolzener Kern | Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuronherold, Golemagg der Verbrenner, Majordomus Executus, Lavaexplosion | 5.00 |
28.06.20 | Molten Core | Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros, Onyxia | 10.00 |
01.07.20 | Molten Core | Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros | 10.00 |
14.10.20 | Molten Core | Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros | 5.00 |
21.10.20 | Molten Core | Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros | 5.00 |
23.09.20 | Molten Core | Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros | 5.00 |
15.07.20 | Molten Core | Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros | 10.00 |
31.01.21 | Naxxramas | Loatheb, Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad | 10.00 |
17.01.21 | Naxxramas | Loatheb, Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad | 10.00 |
11.04.21 | Naxxramas | Loatheb, Maexxna, Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad | 10.00 |
20.12.20 | Naxxramas | Loatheb, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter | 10.00 |
07.02.21 | Naxxramas | Loatheb, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad | 10.00 |
05.05.21 | Naxxramas | Loatheb, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad | 0.00 |
10.01.21 | Naxxramas | Loatheb, Die Vier Reiter, Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad | 10.00 |
03.01.21 | Naxxramas | Loatheb, Die Vier Reiter, Saphiron | 15.00 |
27.12.20 | Naxxramas | Loatheb, Die Vier Reiter | 10.00 |
30.12.20 | Naxxramas | Gluth, Thaddius, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger | 0.00 |
20.05.20 | Molten Core | Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros, Onyxia | 10.00 |
10.03.21 | Naxxramas | Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Loatheb, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Maexxna | 10.00 |
24.02.21 | Naxxramas | Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Loatheb, Instrukteur Razuvious, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Maexxna, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter | 10.00 |
13.12.20 | Naxxramas | Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Gothik der Seelenjäger | 10.00 |
17.02.21 | Naxxramas | Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Maexxna, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Loatheb, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter | 10.00 |
25.10.20 | AQ 40 | Fankriss the Unyielding, Princess Huhuran, Ouro, C'Thun, Viscidus | 10.00 |
... 137 entries found / 100 are shown |
Item Purchase History
Date | Buyer | Name | Raid | Itempool | Value |
30.08.20 | Frapy | Manslayer of the Qiraji | AQ 20 | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
18.10.20 | Frapy | Qiraji Bindings of Dominance | AQ 40 | AQ 40 | 0.00 |
22.11.20 | Frapy | Shard of the Fallen Star | AQ 40 | AQ 40 | 1.00 |
26.08.20 | Frapy | Bracelets of Royal Redemption | AQ 40 | AQ 40 | 12.00 |
25.10.20 | Frapy | Belt of the Fallen Emperor | AQ 40 | AQ 40 | 1.00 |
19.08.20 | Frapy | Blue Qiraji Resonating Crystal | AQ 40 | AQ 40 | 0.00 |
13.09.20 | Frapy | Vek'lor's Diadem | AQ 40 | AQ 40 | 2.00 |
27.09.20 | Frapy | Skin of the Great Sandworm | AQ 40 | AQ 40 | 1.00 |
01.11.20 | Frapy | Robes of the Guardian Saint | AQ 40 | AQ 40 | 20.00 |
01.11.20 | Frapy | Grasp of the Old God | AQ 40 | AQ 40 | 45.00 |
13.09.20 | Frapy | Libram of Grace | AQ 40 | AQ 40 | 1.00 |
11.10.20 | Frapy | Cloak of the Golden Hive | AQ 40 | AQ 40 | 1.00 |
08.11.20 | Frapy | Sartura's Might | AQ 40 | AQ 40 | 35.00 |
11.11.20 | Frapy | Cloak of Clarity | AQ 40 | AQ 40 | 55.00 |
11.11.20 | Frapy | Carapace of the Old God | AQ 40 | AQ 40 | 1.00 |
22.11.20 | Frapy | Creeping Vine Helm | AQ 40 | AQ 40 | 1.00 |
26.08.20 | Frapy | Wormscale Blocker | AQ 40 | AQ 40 | 0.00 |
01.11.20 | Frapy | Eye of C'Thun | AQ 40 | AQ 40 | 45.00 |
16.09.20 | Frapy | Gauntlets of the Righteous Champion | AQ 40 | AQ 40 | 1.00 |
27.09.20 | Frapy | Hammer of Ji'zhi | AQ 40 | AQ 40 | 1.00 |
27.09.20 | Frapy | Legplates of Blazing Light | AQ 40 | AQ 40 | 1.00 |
27.09.20 | Frapy | Qiraji Bindings of Dominance | AQ 40 | AQ 40 | 6.00 |
05.07.20 | Frapy | Judgement Gauntlets | BWL | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
08.07.20 | Frapy | Judgement Breastplate | BWL | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
24.05.20 | Frapy | Herald of Woe | BWL | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
08.07.20 | Frapy | Boots of Pure Thought | BWL | SecMainraid | 151.00 |
10.06.20 | Frapy | Judgement Spaulders | BWL Raid | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
21.06.20 | Frapy | Judgement Bindings | BWL Raid | SecMainraid | 2.00 |
07.06.20 | Frapy | Girdle of the Fallen Crusader | BWL Raid | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
11.08.20 | Frapy | Pure Elementium Band | BWL Raid | SecMainraid | 65.00 |
13.05.20 | Frapy | The Untamed Blade | BWL Raid | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
21.10.20 | Frapy | Legguards of the Fallen Crusader | Blackwing Lair | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
14.10.20 | Frapy | Nexus Crystal | Blackwing Lair | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
14.10.20 | Frapy | Drake Talon Pauldrons | Blackwing Lair | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
19.07.20 | Frapy | Judgement Sabatons | Blackwing Lair | SecMainraid | 2.00 |
21.10.20 | Frapy | Empowered Leggings | Blackwing Lair | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
07.10.20 | Frapy | Cauterizing Band | Geschmolzener Kern | SecMainraid | 25.00 |
28.10.20 | Frapy | Drillborer Disk | Geschmolzener Kern | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
01.07.20 | Frapy | Drillborer Disk | Molten Core | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
31.05.20 | Frapy | Obsidian Edged Blade | Molten Core | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
14.06.20 | Frapy | Malistar's Defender | Molten Core | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
17.06.20 | Frapy | Plans: Elemental Sharpening Stone | Molten Core | SecMainraid | 2.00 |
09.09.20 | Frapy | Talisman of Ephemeral Power | Molten Core | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
15.07.20 | Frapy | Spinal Reaper | Molten Core | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
22.07.20 | Frapy | Crown of Destruction | Molten Core | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
22.07.20 | Frapy | Medallion of Steadfast Might | Molten Core | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
16.08.20 | Frapy | Wild Growth Spaulders | Molten Core | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
17.05.20 | Frapy | Lawbringer Spaulders | Molten Core | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
16.08.20 | Frapy | Robe of Volatile Power | Molten Core | SecMainraid | 10.00 |
05.05.21 | Frapy | Cloak of Suturing | Naxxramas | Naxxramas | 14.00 |
03.03.21 | Frapy | Desecrated Legguards | Naxxramas | Naxxramas | 0.00 |
10.01.21 | Frapy | Eye of the Dead | Naxxramas | Naxxramas | 100.00 |
13.01.21 | Frapy | Desecrated Spaulders | Naxxramas | Naxxramas | 0.00 |
03.02.21 | Frapy | Desecrated Boots | Naxxramas | Naxxramas | 0.00 |
30.12.20 | Frapy | Claymore of Unholy Might | Naxxramas | Naxxramas | 1.00 |
14.02.21 | Frapy | Ring of Redemption | Naxxramas | Naxxramas | 0.00 |
25.04.21 | Frapy | Power of the Scourge | Naxxramas | Naxxramas | 5.00 |
27.12.20 | Frapy | Desecrated Tunic | Naxxramas | Naxxramas | 0.00 |
21.03.21 | Frapy | Resilience of the Scourge | Naxxramas | Naxxramas | 1.00 |
10.03.21 | Frapy | Loatheb's Reflection | Naxxramas | Naxxramas | 1.00 |
24.03.21 | Frapy | Desecrated Wristguards | Naxxramas | Naxxramas | 0.00 |
24.03.21 | Frapy | The Widow's Embrace | Naxxramas | Naxxramas | 1.00 |
31.03.21 | Frapy | Eye of Diminution | Naxxramas | Naxxramas | 1.00 |
17.02.21 | Frapy | Desecrated Handguards | Naxxramas | Naxxramas | 0.00 |
14.04.21 | Frapy | Stygian Buckler | Naxxramas | Naxxramas | 1.00 |
14.02.21 | Frapy | Shield of Condemnation | Naxxramas | Naxxramas | 1.00 |
23.12.20 | Frapy | Desecrated Headpiece | Naxxramas | Naxxramas | 0.00 |
31.05.20 | Frapy | Head of Onyxia | Onyxia | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
04.11.20 | Frapy | Lok'amir il Romathis | Pechschwingenhort | SecMainraid | 81.00 |
07.10.20 | Frapy | Black Ash Robe | Pechschwingenhort | SecMainraid | 0.00 |
28.10.20 | Frapy | Drake Talon Cleaver | Pechschwingenhort | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
04.10.20 | Frapy | Mish'undare, Circlet of the Mind Flayer | Pechschwingenhort | SecMainraid | 20.00 |
28.10.20 | Frapy | Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood | Pechschwingenhort | SecMainraid | 10.00 |
26.07.20 | Frapy | Animist's Spaulders | Zul´Gurub | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
17.06.20 | Frapy | Primalist's Band | Zul´Gurub | SecMainraid | 2.00 |
07.06.20 | Frapy | Bloodsoaked Legplates | Zul´Gurub | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
07.06.20 | Frapy | Bloodcaller | Zul´Gurub | SecMainraid | 4.00 |
07.06.20 | Frapy | Bloodsoaked Gauntlets | Zul´Gurub | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
07.06.20 | Frapy | Primal Hakkari Tabard | Zul´Gurub | SecMainraid | 1.00 |
... 79 entries found |
Individual Adjustment History
Date | Reason | Value |
17.05.21 | Naxx Decay | -8.00 |
13.05.21 | Naxx Decay | -8.00 |
09.05.21 | Naxx Decay | -8.00 |
03.05.21 | Naxx Decay | -9.00 |
01.05.21 | Naxx Decay | -9.00 |
27.04.21 | Naxx Decay | -8.00 |
25.04.21 | Naxx Decay | -9.00 |
21.04.21 | Naxx Decay | -9.00 |
14.04.21 | Naxx Decay | -9.00 |
11.04.21 | Naxx Decay | -9.00 |
11.04.21 | Naxx Decay | -8.00 |
05.04.21 | Naxx Decay | -8.00 |
01.04.21 | Naxx Decay | -8.00 |
29.03.21 | Naxx Decay | -8.00 |
24.03.21 | Naxx Decay | -8.00 |
23.03.21 | Naxx Decay | -8.00 |
20.03.21 | Naxx Decay | -8.00 |
14.03.21 | Naxx Decay | -8.00 |
10.03.21 | Naxx Decay | -7.00 |
07.03.21 | Naxx Decay | -7.00 |
04.03.21 | Naxx Decay | -7.00 |
01.03.21 | Naxx Decay | -7.00 |
25.02.21 | Naxx Decay | -6.00 |
24.02.21 | Naxx Decay | -6.00 |
17.02.21 | Naxx Decay | -6.00 |
16.02.21 | Naxx Decay | -5.00 |
12.02.21 | Naxx Decay | -5.00 |
08.02.21 | Naxx Decay | -5.00 |
04.02.21 | Naxx Decay | -4.00 |
31.01.21 | Naxx Decay | -4.00 |
27.01.21 | Naxx Decay | -3.00 |
25.01.21 | Naxx Decay | -2.00 |
20.01.21 | Naxx Decay | -2.00 |
18.01.21 | Naxx Decay | -1.00 |
07.01.21 | Naxx Decay | -7.00 |
03.01.21 | Naxx Decay | -7.00 |
31.12.20 | Naxx Decay | -6.00 |
28.12.20 | Naxx Decay | -6.00 |
26.12.20 | Naxx Decay | -6.00 |
21.12.20 | Naxx Decay | -5.00 |
16.12.20 | Naxx Decay | -5.00 |
14.12.20 | Naxx Decay | -4.00 |
09.12.20 | Naxx Decay | -4.00 |
06.12.20 | Naxx Decay | -4.00 |
05.12.20 | Naxx Start | 50.00 |
16.11.20 | DKP Anpassung | 10.00 |
19.08.20 | Start DKP AQ20 manuel | 100.00 |
19.08.20 | Start DKP AQ40 manuel | 100.00 |
09.05.20 | Start | 10.00 |
... 49 entries found |
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